
Treat Her Right - Rhythm And Booze Soundtrack Lyrics

Treat Her Right – Rhythm And Booze Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Hangover” Movie (2009) ]  Well it was rock ‘n roll rhythm and a bottle of booze
And a wild eyed woman, then she brought home the news
And then she warned me once, she warned me twice
Woman found out that I don’t take advice It was rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
I tell you the truth, it was rhythm and booze
Just rhythm! If I’d listened to my mother, if I’d listened to my dad
I’d be lying in a big feather bed
But she warned me once, she warned me twice
Woman found out that I don’t take advice And it was rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
I tell you the truth, it was rhythm and booze
Just rhythm! I got pissed off, I blew my stack
And I didn’t mind so much until she took my Cadillac
But then she warned me once, she warned me twice
Woman found out that I don’t take advice It was rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm and blues
I tell you the truth, it was rhythm and booze
Just rhythm, rhythm, rhythm, rhythm and booze [Treat Her Right – Rhythm And Booze Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Hangover Movie (2009)
Name "The Hangover" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Treat Her Right - Rhythm And Booze Soundtrack Lyrics

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