
Seether - Given Soundtrack Lyrics

Seether – Given Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Stepfather” Movie (2009) ]  Trust all the things
I tell you are true
Dress up in your best
So I can be proud of you
And never believe I won’t turn on you
And never believe I do this for you… You’re leading me on again
And I find it yeah I like it
And I’m reeling in awe for sure
Now I know it was given to me
Given to me, given to me… How I wish I could be rid of the ennui
Make you regret and make you afraid of me
And never believe I do this for me
And never believe I’ll do this gently
Can’t believe in broken promises
And render conscious all of me
I’ll tell you it’s all for you
Then deny it [Seether – Given Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Stepfather Movie (2009)
Name "The Stepfather" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Seether - Given Soundtrack Lyrics

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