
Mojave 3 - Bluebird Of Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics

Mojave 3 – Bluebird Of Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Switch” Movie (2010) ]  gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home gotta find a light to guide me along
gotta find a way back home running for your life won’t get you so far
running for your life so far gotta find a road to bring me home slow
gotta find a way back home gotta find a road to bring me home slow
gotta find a way back home the loving in your eye that holds you alive
gotta find a way back home gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home saw you turning
big eyes burning on your way
nothing out there
the time to tell you what you own never wanted to feel this pain
never wanted to feel so sad
never wanted to feel this pain
today never wanted to feel this pain
never watned to feel so sad
never wanted to feel this way
today never wanted to feel this way
never wanted to feel this pain gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home gotta find a light to guide me along
gotta find a way back home never wanted to feel this way
never wanted to feel this pain gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home the loving in your eye that holds you alive
gotta find a way back home gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home gotta find a road that brings me back slow
gotta find a way back home gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way back home
gotta find a way back home [Mojave 3 – Bluebird Of Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Switch Movie (2010)
Name "The Switch" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Mojave 3 - Bluebird Of Happiness Soundtrack Lyrics

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