
Bat for Lashes - Sleep Alone (909s in the DarkTimes Mix) Soundtrack Lyrics

Bat for Lashes – Sleep Alone (909s in the DarkTimes Mix) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Vampire Diaries” TV (2010) ]  You know, my darling, I can’t stand to sleep alone
No sweetheart in the dark to call my own
You’re my own, you’re my own, I can sing it, I can grow
But the darkness is a stranger
In our lonely, lonely, lonely lone Last night’s parties and last night’s heart has shown
Smiling and welling and kissing all I know
Give my soul, give my soul, sing it free across the sea
Lonely spell to conjure you, but conjure hell is all I do Lonely, lonely, lonely, his mother told me
The dream of love is a two-hearted dream
Lonely, lonely, lonely, his mother told me
The dream of love is a two-hearted dream They say for every heart high
There must be a low, low, low, low, low
And every sun ascending a lonesome moon
Will grow, grow, grow, grow Drive my heart, drive my heart
Into the fire of a burning heart’s desire
The only spells you’ll be seeing
Do you hear me coming in my blue dream? Lonely, lonely, lonely, his mother told me
The dream of love is a two-hearted dream
Lonely, lonely, lonely, his mother told me
The dream of love is a two-hearted dream Lonely, lonely, lonely
Lonely, lonely, lonely [Bat for Lashes – Sleep Alone (909s in the DarkTimes Mix) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Vampire Diaries TV (2010)
Name "The Vampire Diaries" TV (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Bat for Lashes - Sleep Alone (909s in the DarkTimes Mix) Soundtrack Lyrics

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