
Tiffany Giardina - Look How High We Can Fly Soundtrack Lyrics

Tiffany Giardina – Look How High We Can Fly Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Barbie Princess & The Popstar” Animation (2012) ] I lost myself today
All work, no time to play
I’m holding on to what I know Then this discovery
Blindfolded, I could see
I’m catching on by letting go And now I’m rising up
No coming down
So hang on for the ride Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
We can see everything
From up here in the sky
We’ve got the perfect view
Together me and you
Look how high we can fly Words come so easily
Hard to believe it’s me
With every breath the feeling grows
Take time to make time stop
Unplug, turn off the clock
The less you try the more it flows I keep on rising up
No coming down
So hang on for the ride Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
We can see everything
From up here in the sky
We’ve got the perfect view
Together me and you
Look how high we can fly
Oh yeah
I don’t need to live in a fancy castle (oh no)
That isn’t where I should be
Open up my heart and where it leads I’ll follow
Up high where I can be free Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
We can see everything
From up here in the sky Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
We can surf on the wind
So completely alive
There’s nothing we can’t do
Together me and you
Look how high we can fly Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly
Look how high we can fly [Tiffany Giardina – Look How High We Can Fly Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Barbie Princess & The Popstar Animation (2012)
Name "Barbie Princess & The Popstar" Animation (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Tiffany Giardina - Look How High We Can Fly Soundtrack Lyrics

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