
Tony DeSare - Let's Just Stay In Soundtrack Lyrics

Tony DeSare – Let’s Just Stay In Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Tooth Fairy” Movie (2010) ]  Broadway baby beauty queen
Heiress to Miss Norma Jean
Out on the town we go around
We can cut the line and drink for free Each night our palette to be drawn
Out till 3 and up till dawn
But baby tonight no plans in sight
And I know exactly what to do Kick off your shoes turn down the lights
Let me hold you like it’s a simpler time tonight
It’s all I want to do
So let it begin
Let’s just stay in The coast of Greece or Italy
A little bar in gay Paris
Fair Mademoiselles, five star hotels
We’ll raise a glass and say
“C’est la vie” But tonight I want you to myself
So put the passport on the shelf
Close your suitcase
Put your hand on my face
And I’ll tell you exactly what to do Kick off your shoes turn down the lights
Let me hold you like it’s a simpler time tonight
It’s all I want to do
So let it begin
Let’s just stay in
Now turn off your phone
The world is on its own
Cause I need o be with you all alone
So let it begin
Let’s just stay in
Let’s just stay in Honey you drive me crazy
Just sitting in our chair
So go wash off your makeup baby
And put on something soft to wear I’ll make a little dinner for you
Light a candle or two
W could watch a movie maybe
Or maybe I’ll just watch you [Tony DeSare – Let’s Just Stay In Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Tooth Fairy Movie (2010)
Name "Tooth Fairy" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Tony DeSare - Let's Just Stay In Soundtrack Lyrics

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