
Viorica Cortez - Stride la Vampa (from Il Trovatore) Soundtrack Lyrics

Viorica Cortez – Stride la Vampa (from Il Trovatore) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Stoker” Movie (2013) ] Stride la vampa!
La folla indomita
corre a quel fuoco
lieta in sembianza;
urli di gioia
intorno echeggiano:
cinta di sgherri
donna s’ avanza!
Sinistra splende
sui volti orribili
la tetra fiamma
che s’alza al ciel!
Stride la vampa!
giunge la vittima
discinta e scalza!
Grido feroce
di mortr levasi;
l’ eco il ripete
di balza in balza!
Sinistra splende
sui volti orribili
la tetra fiamma
che s’alza al ciel! English Translation: Screeches the blaze!
The restless mob
runs to the fire
with happy faces;
shouts of joy
echo around;
surrounded by killers
a woman is brought forth!
Evil shines
upon horrible faces
beside the gloomy flame
that rises to the sky!
Screeches the blaze!
The victim arrives
dressed in black,
disheveled, barefoot!
A fierce shout
of death arises;
the echo repeats
from hill to hill!
Evil shines
upon horrible faces
beside the gloomy flame
that rises to the sky! [Viorica Cortez – Stride la Vampa (from Il Trovatore) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Stoker Movie (2013)
Name "Stoker" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Viorica Cortez - Stride la Vampa (from Il Trovatore) Soundtrack Lyrics

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