
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Il Mio Tesoro (Opera Don Giovanni) Soundtrack Lyrics

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Il Mio Tesoro (Opera Don Giovanni) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “21 and Over” Movie (2013) ] DON OTTAVIO
Il mio tesoro intanto
Andate a consolar,
E del bel ciglio il pianto
Cercate di asciugar.
Ditele che i suoi torti
A cendicar io vado;
Che sol di stragi e morti
Nunzio vogl’io tornar. English Translation: DON OCTAVIO
To my beloved, o hasten,
To comfort, to comfort her sad heart.
Sweet are the tears that chasten,
Yet grieve not those who part.
Tell her, to see her righted,
Ne’er will I cease pursuing,
My sword and faith I’ve plighted.
Nought my resolve shall thwart. [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Il Mio Tesoro (Opera Don Giovanni) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category 21 and Over Movie (2013)
Name "21 and Over" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Il Mio Tesoro (Opera Don Giovanni) Soundtrack Lyrics

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