
Anne & Gilbert Cast - The Days Ahead Soundtrack Lyrics

Anne & Gilbert Cast – The Days Ahead Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Anne & Gilbert” Musical (2010) ]  All:
Redmond oh Redmond ever to thee
secnic and stalwart university
Redmond oh Redmond
timeless as the sea
I’m faithful Redmond ever to thee
Ever to Redmond
Ever to thee The days ahead are filled with people
brilliant people not at all like me
I feel so all alone Girl#1:
I come from Shediac Boy#1:
me too Boy#2:
I’m from Toronto
and I’m not impressed
if only I had known All:
I should be thrilled to be in college
For wisdom, for knowledge
For Redmond as you may All but Anne:
I want my mother Anne:
And I want Marilla All:
I’d rather run away
than face this day Anne:
Redmond oh Redmond
now that I’m here
Can I survive this urban atmosphere
Redmond oh Redmond
awful and austere
How will I ever live through
my freshman year Sophmore girls:
Freshettes, freshettes
Take a look at the freshettes
The new freshettes
are such true freshettes
They don’t know what they are
or where to go
So green, so green
they’re the greenest ever seen
The crop this year
is a flop this year
When did Redmond’s standards
sink so low
Freshettes, freshettes
back when we were the freshettes
we were fabulous freshettes Soph. girl#1:
No plain Janes Soph. girl#2:
Not like those Soph. girl#3:
We had brains Soph. girl#4:
We had prose Soph. girl#2:
We were the cream Soph. girl#3:
Of the crop Sophmore girls:
Of the class
We huffed and we puffed
and we blew down the doors Soph. girl#4:
We had the style Soph. girl#2:
And the flare Soph. girl#3:
And the sass Sophmore girls:
We were as chic
as the chics soph-a-mores
These girls look like labradors
Freshettes, freshettes
even fabulous freshettes
Like last years freshettes
Had soph-a-mores who made them pay
belittle them in every way
We’re glad we’re not you
freshettes today Anne:
Homesick I’m homesick
I don’t like the pace
Frantic and frightning
I don’t like the place
Anne of Green Gables
Gone without a trace
I would die Just to see one
familliar face Gilbert:
Saturday morning
I’m raking the civic lawn
And then I sell programmes
and afternoon I’m at fawn
And four days a week delivering flowers
And tutoring greek for six or so hours
in Charlotte’s cafe
where par students meet
I need a tray
even on Sunday Sophmore girls:
That girl, that girl
thats the youngest Gordon girl
The finest stock
Thats a paris frock
Her dad endowed this university Philippa Gordan:
Here come those beaux again
Uh-oh those beaux again
So atractive but so doomed to fail
I promised Faithfully
Dad I said faithfully
I will make at least one friend
whose female Sophmore girls:
The pearls, the pearls
Oysters died to make those pearls
That’s one freshettes
you will not forget
She’s fresher than a freshette
ought to be Philippa Gordan:
I won’t be one of them
Please god not one of them
some pretense of reason must prevail
Here come those beaux again
Uh-oh those beaux again
Time for little Philippa to set sail Anne:
I got a letter, a letter from home
here to remind me
“Anne, although you know
Our love is steady as a metronome
We are there with you
on every beach you comb” *I got a letter, a letter from home
here to remind me
“Anne, although you know
Our love is steady as a metronome
We are there with you
on every beach you comb” All but Anne(simultaneously with Anne*):
Redmond oh Redmond ever to thee
secnic and stalwart university
Redmond oh Redmond
timeless as the sea
I’m faithful Redmond ever to thee
Ever to Redmond
Ever to thee Gilbert:
The day ahead’s a day I dread about,
I’ve dreampt about, I’ve studdied for
My first day back at school
But not the teacher any more
and not the one and only man for Anne
There must be men galore
that she’ll ignore Anne:
the days ahead are days away
and yet feel already days behind
So ask me if I care
I’m not the teacher any more
I’m not the one and only
Girl in town
whose famous for her temper,
for her vocals, for *her gables,
for her hair Gilbert(starts singing*):
She’ll toss their broken hearts
into the air Anne:
And that is why the bells are ringing Anne and Gilbert:
And Redmond is singing
And the sun tha shines today
will shine tomorrow
our chosen tomorrow
Where I’ll succeed somehow
I’ll start right now All:
The days ahead are days I wish
I didn’t dread see
I’m the kind that crams
two days before exams
I hope that one day
I’ll be wise before I’m dead
I hope Professors prize
The pithy thing I’ve said
And that is why the bells are ringing
And Redmond is singing
And the sun tha shines today
will shine tomorrow
our chosen tomorrow
Where I’ll succeed somehow
We’ll start right now Half of all:
*We’ll start right now
We’ll start right now
We’ll start right now
We’ll start right now Other half(*simultaneously):
Redmond oh Redmond ever to thee
Redmond oh Redmond ever to thee
Redmond oh Redmond timeless as the sea
We’ll start right now [Anne & Gilbert Cast – The Days Ahead Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Anne & Gilbert Musical (2010)
Name "Anne & Gilbert" Musical (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Anne & Gilbert Cast - The Days Ahead Soundtrack Lyrics

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