
Nico Vega - Wooden Dolls Soundtrack Lyrics

Nico Vega – Wooden Dolls Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Answers To Nothing” Movie (2011) ]  We dear are all wooden dolls.
Plastic hair on my head keeps me small.
These matters take more than just a song to see them,
we’ve got our own souls even if we’re buried beneath them,
We know these roads because we paved them,
we collapse at once when we cage the rebel…
ohohoho ohohoho…
We dear are all wooden dolls. Plastic hair on my head keeps me small.
These walls between men are built off of fear of eachother.
We misunderstand, the things that we say to eachother.
When will we see that we are stuck with eachother?
We collapse at once when we cage the rebel…
ohohoho ohohoho…
when we caged the rebel…when we caged the rebel…
when we caged the rebel, oh oh, when we caged the rebel…
Oh I feel it in my soul…when we cage the rebel….
We dear are all wooden dolls [Nico Vega – Wooden Dolls Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Answers To Nothing Movie (2011)
Name "Answers To Nothing" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Nico Vega - Wooden Dolls Soundtrack Lyrics

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