
Benny Benassi - Cinema Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Gary Go)

Benny Benassi – Cinema Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Gary Go) [ from “Ringer: Season 1” TV (2011) ]  I could watch you for a lifetime
You’re my favourite movie
A thousand endings
You mean everything to me
I never know what’s coming
Forever fascinated
Hope you don’t stop running
To me cause I’ll always be waiting You are A cinema I could watch you forever
Action Thriller I could watch you forever
You are A Cinema A Hollywood treasure
Love you Just the way you are
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema Stars spell out your name
Like in a science fiction drama
Romance roll in
Like a flower in the summer
You always keep me guessing
Forever my wonder
Hope you start undressing
All my dreams until the end of You are A cinema I could watch you forever
Action Thriller I could watch you forever
You are A Cinema A Hollywood treasure
Love you Just the way you are
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema Never know what movie you’re playing
Never know what movie you’re playing
Never know what movie you’re playing
Never know never know never know You are A cinema I could watch you forever
Action Thriller I could watch you forever
You are A Cinema A Hollywood treasure
Love you Just the way you are
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema
A Cinema A Cinema A Cinema [Benny Benassi – Cinema Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Gary Go)]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ringer: Season 1 TV (2011)
Name "Ringer: Season 1" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Benny Benassi - Cinema Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Gary Go)

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