
Billy Squier - The Stroke Soundtrack Lyrics

Billy Squier – The Stroke Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Blades of Glory” Movie (2007) ]  Now everybody have you heard
If youre in the game, then the strokes the word
Dont take no rhythm, dont take no style
Got a thirst for killin, grab your vile… You put your right hand out give a firm hand-shake
Talk to me about that one big break…
Spread your ear-pollution both far and wide…
Keep your contributions by your side and stroke me, stroke me
Could be a winner boy, you move quite well…
You got your number down…
Say youre a winner but man youre just a sinner now You put your left foot out keep it all in place…
Work your way right into my case
First you try to bed me you make my backbone slide
But when you found you bled me– skip on by… keep on—stroke me, stroke me
Give me the business all night long…
Youre so together boy…
Say youre a winner but man youre just a sinner now Better listen now (said) it aint no joke
Let your conscience fail ya, just do the stroke
Dontcha take no chances keep your eye on top
Do your fancy dances you cant stop you just stroke me, stroke me [Billy Squier – The Stroke Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Blades of Glory Movie (2007)
Name "Blades of Glory" Movie (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Billy Squier - The Stroke Soundtrack Lyrics

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