
Blair - Wake Up, Shake Up Soundtrack Lyrics

Blair – Wake Up, Shake Up Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Kitchen” Movie (2013) ] ooooh hooooo
ooooh hooooo
ooooh hooooo
hooooo ah hooooo go find my father
tell him I don’t give a fuck
that he fucked her
tell him I cut that
rug like it’s 1973
he was free all the good years
‘fore there was me and go find my mother
tell her I love her
hard times were hard
she told her daughter
to be happy, Christian and free
well they don’t go together
but I’m one of the three we’re all stars and
we’re gonna go out
one day you will
make a flower grow in the soil and
well that’ll be the greatest thing we’ll ever do I woke up
broke up
it’s so hard
it’s a joke
and I choke up
I’m so hardened
that forgiving ain’t forgetting
and you gotta choose
how you walk the tightrope
with razorblade shoes I wake up
shake up
how could I not
I’m a girl in a breakup
with her god
and forgiving ain’t forgetting
and you’ve gotta choose
how you walk the tightrope
razorblade shoes we’re all stars and
we’re gonna go out
one day you will
make a flower grow in the soil and
well that’ll be the greatest thing you’ll ever do I’ve been hearing things
[that you say] heard an angel sing
[did she say] if what she said is true
[did she say] there’s something I must do ooooh hooooo
ooooh hooooo
ooooh hooooo
hooooo ah hooooo
ah hooooo go find my brother
and don’t say nothin’
just hug him
just hug him
ooooh [Blair – Wake Up, Shake Up Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Kitchen Movie (2013)
Name "The Kitchen" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Blair - Wake Up, Shake Up Soundtrack Lyrics

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