
Demi Lovato - Different Summers Soundtrack Lyrics

Demi Lovato – Different Summers Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam” TV (2010) ]  We’re like a melody with no words
Till we figure it out
We sing la, la, la, la
La, la I know it’s simple
Yeah, but it’s worked
Right up ’till now
Cuz up till now, yeah
Everyday’s been like a dreamworld
But now you’re not just in my head, oh no Will we remember different summers
It’s like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we start it all over again and again and again You know that I can’t help but wonder
What’s gonna happen next
I’m a little curious, oh yeah
Every star that I stood under
When you were under it too
Did you ever think about us I hope you did
Cuz I could tell you
That’s something I’ll never forget
I won’t forget If we remember different summers
It’s like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we starting all over again Only friends
Just begining
But I hope we find it again
So we can go from here
Ohhhh Will we remember different summers
It’s like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we starting all over again
Again and again and again and again
Again and again and again
Will we remember different summers [Demi Lovato – Different Summers Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam TV (2010)
Name "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" TV (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Demi Lovato - Different Summers Soundtrack Lyrics

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