
Meaghan Jette Martin, Matthew "Mdot" Finley - Fire Soundtrack Lyrics

Meaghan Jette Martin, Matthew “Mdot” Finley – Fire Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam” TV (2010) ]  Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go (X2) Nobody’s gona wana get next to me
Cause they know (they know)
I’ll take this one I wont let it go
Doesn’t’ matter how you approach the scene
Just go (just go)
You’re everything you want when you hit the door (CHORUS)
I dare you to challenge me
I’m begging for mercy please
Just watch! I’ll give you something to follow
Cause I’ve been waiting so patiently ( to the left )
Got fire come outa me
I faught you up again, I’m just letting you know
(I keep givin you the)
We bring the fire
I’m a heat it up
Under my control
Here’s the night that you’ve been waiting for
I’m a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
So set it up A genius knowin no one can take this crown
Its so great (so great)
They can cool me off when I hit the stage
Burnin hot, the spotlight has spelt my name
I feel famous (famous)
The crowd cheers me on I cant get enough
(Keep givin you the)
I’m a heat it up
Under my control
Here’s the night that you’ve been waiting for
I’m a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up (DANCE BREAK) I keep givin you the fire
I’m a heat it up
Under my control
Here’s the night that you’ve been waiting for
I’m a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up I keep givin you the fire
I’m a heat it up
Under my control
Here’s the night that you’ve been waiting for
I’m a light it up
Gota make it hot
This stage is mine
Lets set it up [Meaghan Jette Martin, Matthew “Mdot” Finley – Fire Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam TV (2010)
Name "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam" TV (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Meaghan Jette Martin, Matthew

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