
Connie Britton - Bitter Memory Soundtrack Lyrics

Connie Britton – Bitter Memory Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Nashville Season 1, Vol.2” TV (2013) ] Go away, bitter memory
It think it finally, could stay away from me
But I was wrong, your still strong Go away, bitter memory Bitter memory Go away, bitter memory
You keep on bothering me, why won’t you let me be
You make me cry, why won’t you die Go away, bitter memory Bitter memory Bitter memory, your the thorn in my side
Bitter memory, your the trouble on my mind
Find a new place to call home, your not welcome any more
Let me show you the door bitter memory Go away, bitter memory
Why do you have to be, a source of misery
Leave me alone, let me live on Go away, bitter memory Bitter memory, your the thorn in my side
Bitter memory, your the trouble on my mind
Find a new place to call home, your not welcome any more
Let me show you the door bitter memory (Repeat above) Bitter memory
x3 [Connie Britton – Bitter Memory Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Nashville Season 1, Vol.2 TV (2013)
Name "Nashville Season 1, Vol.2" TV (2013)

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Connie Britton - Bitter Memory Soundtrack Lyrics

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