
Traditional - Shortenin' Bread Soundtrack Lyrics

Traditional – Shortenin’ Bread Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Death at a Funeral” Movie (2010) ]  Put on the skillet, slip on the lid,
Mama’s gonna make a little shortnin’ bread.
That ain’t all she’s gonna do,
Mama’s gonna make a little coffee, too. Chorus
Mama’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mama’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread,
Mama’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mama’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread. Three little children, lyin’ in bed
Two was sick and the other ‘most dead
Sent for the doctor and the doctor said,
“Feed those children on shortnin’ bread.” Chorus When those children, sick in bed,
Heard that talk about shortnin’ bread,
They popped up well to dance and sing,
Skipped around like they had wings. Chorus Slip to the kitchen, slip off the lid,
Filled my pockets full of shortnin’ bread;
Grabbed the skillet, grabbed the lid,
Bugged that lady makin’ shortnin’ bread. Chorus Caught me with the skillet, caught me with the lid,
Caught me with the lady makin’ shortnin’ bread;
Paid six dollars for the skillet, six dollars for the lid,
I helped that lady makin’ shortnin’ bread. Chorus [Traditional – Shortenin’ Bread Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Death at a Funeral Movie (2010)
Name "Death at a Funeral" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Traditional - Shortenin' Bread Soundtrack Lyrics

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