
Pharrell Williams - Prettiest Girls Soundtrack Lyrics

Pharrell Williams – Prettiest Girls Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Despicable Me” Cartoon (2010) ]  Pretty girl, pretty girl,
Oh no here comes a pretty girl
, pretty girl Uh oh here comes a pretty girl… Hey! I know what you are thinking
I know what you will say
you made up this whole far fetched thing
about the reasons that i have changed well i’m still the tiger
and the jungle is still my home
but she blew out my fire
and now my killer instincts are gone what did you do? everything lost its worth to me
everything in this world
everything did occur to me that
you are the prettiest girls my life is so amazing
let me explain how it got that way
well if happiness was standing at your door
i mean tell me what would you say? but i am no liar and you rearranged my home
and i wonder how i dont get tired
of loving the three of you instead of what i own all that is gone everything lost its worth to me
everything in this world
everything did occur to me that
you are the prettiest girls what are you doing to me?
what’s so drastic all my friends see?
you say nothing, nothing, nothing
but it’s really something, something, something you won’t answer me
and all the while
my heart just melts
from your innocent smile it’s strange
oh god i think i have changed oohhhh
there’s one thing that’s sure
is everyday i love you some more
my hand’s been handcuffed
and loved by you
so is there really anything i could do? when… everything lost its worth to me
everything in this world
everything did occur to me that
you are the prettiest girls [Pharrell Williams – Prettiest Girls Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Despicable Me Cartoon (2010)
Name "Despicable Me" Cartoon (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Pharrell Williams - Prettiest Girls Soundtrack Lyrics

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