
Dinosaur Jr. - Start Choppin' Soundtrack Lyrics

Dinosaur Jr. – Start Choppin’ Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Chasing Mavericks” Movie (2012) ] Oh, there’s no goin’ back to that
I’m so numb, can’t even react
Didn’t say it’s not okay
But we aren’t dealin’ the same way
I ain’t tellin’ you a secret
I ain’t tellin’ you goodbye It’s the last thing on my mind
Still you won’t let things unwind
Spinnin’ tight around your head
Can’t you hear a word I’ve said?
I ain’t tellin’ you a secret
I ain’t tellin’ you goodbye When you call it’s just not fair
It’s the last thing you should share
I can’t deal, I’ll let you know
Still I wish you’d let it go
I ain’t tellin’ you a secret
I ain’t tellin’ you goodbye I’m tellin’ you for one last time
It’s not just you, the problem’s mine to hide
I waited as long as I could
If you need it, sure I would, that’s fine Oh, there’s no goin’ back to that
I’m so numb, can’t even react
Didn’t say it’s not okay
But we aren’t dealin’ the same way
I ain’t tellin’ you a secret
I ain’t tellin’ you goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye I’m tellin’ you for one last time
It’s not just you, the problem’s mine to hide
I waited as long as I could
If you need it, sure I would, that’s fine I’m takin’ away a lot of stuff
I’m tellin’ you it’s rough but not goodbye [Dinosaur Jr. – Start Choppin’ Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Chasing Mavericks Movie (2012)
Name "Chasing Mavericks" Movie (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Dinosaur Jr. - Start Choppin' Soundtrack Lyrics

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