
Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles - Fake Your Way To The Top Soundtrack Lyrics

Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles – Fake Your Way To The Top Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Dreamgirls” Movie (2006) ]  JAMES EARLY
Thirteen years of solid gold platters
Rising cost and cocktail chatter
Fat deejays, stereophonic sound
The game of hits goes ’round and around
But you can fake your way to the top CURTIS
‘Round and around,
Try that part baby LORRELL
‘Round and around! JAMES EARLY
Fake your way to the top DEENA
‘Round and around! CURTIS (Spoken)
You fit right in there sweetheart! JAMES EARLY
You can fake your way to the top EFFIE
‘Round and around! CURTIS (Spoken)
I knew you’d have it baby! JAMES EARLY
And it’s always real, so real DREAMETTES
Always so real JAMES EARLY
Yeah, when you’re comin’ down! ANNOUNCER (Spoken)
Ladies and Gentleman, the wildest man in show business, James “Thunder” Early! JAMES EARLY
Oh, Help me Jesus DREAMETTES
Help me, Jesus! JAMES EARLY
Help me, help me Jesus DREAMETTES
Help me, Jesus! JAMES EARLY
Help me, help me Jesus DREAMETTES
Help me, Jesus! JAMES EARLY
Help me Jesus
Up, back up, back up DREAMETTES
All the way up… JAMES EARLY
Yeah, number one
I know what’s happenin’ DREAMETTES
Doo, doot, doo doo JAMES EARLY
I been around
Workin’ my way DREAMETTES
Doo, doot, doo doo JAMES EARLY
Through every town
I make my livin’ DREAMETTES
Doo, doot, doo doo JAMES EARLY
Off of my sound DREAMETTES
Doo, doot, doo doo JAMES EARLY
And the game of hits
Here we go
Goes ’round, and around, and a DREAMETTES
‘Round and around and ’round and around
and ’round and around JAMES EARLY
You can fake your way to the top DREAMETTES
‘Round and around! JAMES EARLY (Spoken)
Blow your horn!
(Sung) Fake your way to the top
Don’tcha know I made my way to the top
Yes I did
And it’s always real, so real DREAMETTES
Always so real… Ooh! JAMES EARLY
Help me, Jesus! JAMES EARLY
Help me, help me Jesus DREAMETTES
Help me, Jesus! JAMES EARLY
Help me, help me Jesus DREAMETTES
Help me, Jesus! ALL
Fake my way to the top! [Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles – Fake Your Way To The Top Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Dreamgirls Movie (2006)
Name "Dreamgirls" Movie (2006)

Picture/Poster Cover

Eddie Murphy, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé Knowles - Fake Your Way To The Top Soundtrack Lyrics

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