
Megan McCauley - Die for You Soundtrack Lyrics

Megan McCauley – Die for You Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Fantastic Four” Movie (2005) ]  Your fear it moves me.
Your weakness I taste.
I breathe you, I hate you.
You course through my veins. And now.
And now. You want me. You love me.
And I hate myself.
I need you, but I hate you.
‘Cause I want nothing else. And I bleed you since I’ve healed you.
Your pain escapes through me.
‘Cause I breathe you, but I hate you.
‘Cause they say we could never be.
They can’t see. I know I shouldn’t love you.
There’s just too much to fake.
But you see me, and I feel you.
And I am not afraid.
I’m not afraid. And I bleed you since I’ve healed you.
Your pain escapes through me.
‘Cause I breathe you, but I hate you.
‘Cause they say we could never be. It seems the pain’s been traded,
Since I pulled you through.
And now my mind’s been so jaded.
And I would kill myself for you.
I’d die for you. And I bleed you since I’ve healed you.
Your pain escapes through me.
‘Cause I breathe you, but I hate you.
‘Cause they say we could never. And I bleed you since I’ve healed you.
But I hate you, but I breathe. And I see you.
And I feel you.
And I hate you.
But I’d die for you.
I’d die for you. [Megan McCauley – Die for You Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Fantastic Four Movie (2005)
Name "Fantastic Four" Movie (2005)

Picture/Poster Cover

Megan McCauley - Die for You Soundtrack Lyrics

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