
Joss Stone - Whatever Happened to the Heroes Soundtrack Lyrics

Joss Stone – Whatever Happened to the Heroes Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Fantastic Four” Movie (2005) ]  i wish i could fly like a jet plane
i could read the minds of my enemies
wish i could pose too, carry a large box
have a superhero to come and rescue me
i know we’re only human
only made with only flesh and blood
i shouldnt have such expectations
waiting here for love whatever happened to the heroes?
fast moves, fast cars and remote controls (yeah)
i just need someone to look up to
to help me down this winding road
(whatever happened to the heroes?) Joe Domaggio, Marthin Luther King
Mother Teresa, Princess Diana
Niles, Kurt Kobain
Take a pill for the pain
celebrity mentality
before you even spell your name
I know i’m full of imperfections
baby aren’t we all?
but i can use a good example
to stop me before i fall whatever happened to the heroes?
fast moves, fast cars and remote controls
i just need someone to look up to
to help me down this winding road
so whatever happened to the heroes? (you fall to the wayside, you been to the darkside)
(buried alive, before my eyes are watching like a little child)
(they pick you up just to break you down, down down)
(just to break you down ohhh) whatever happened to the heroes? (everything)
fast moves, fast cars and remote controls (what happened to my heroes?)
i just need someone to look up to (baby)
to help me down this winding road (help down baby help down) whatever happened to the heroes?
fast moves, fast cars and remote controls (fast cars)
i just need someone to look up to (to look up to)
to help me down this winding road (to help me down this winding road) [Joss Stone – Whatever Happened to the Heroes Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Fantastic Four Movie (2005)
Name "Fantastic Four" Movie (2005)

Picture/Poster Cover

Joss Stone - Whatever Happened to the Heroes Soundtrack Lyrics

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