
Bill Ricchini - A Cold Wind Will Blow Through Your Door Soundtrack Lyrics

Bill Ricchini – A Cold Wind Will Blow Through Your Door Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Grey’s Anatomy 3” TV (2007) ]  Night will follow day
Sure as the sun and moon
Remember I will always be with you
If i’m out of words to say
And I understand you
When you see a darkness coming through
Remember to keep one take shelter from the storm
The night will not last for much more
I wrote in a small note
put on your winter coat
A cold wind will blow through your door
Night will follow day
Sure as the sun and moon
Remember I will always be with you
Just fold your hands and pray
And I am beside you
Tell mother I hope to see you through
Remember to keep one take shelter from the storm
The night will not last for much more
I wrote in a small note
put on your winter coat
A cold wind will blow through your door [Bill Ricchini – A Cold Wind Will Blow Through Your Door Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Grey's Anatomy 3 TV (2007)
Name "Grey's Anatomy 3" TV (2007)

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Bill Ricchini - A Cold Wind Will Blow Through Your Door Soundtrack Lyrics

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