
Feist - Sea Lion Woman Soundtrack Lyrics

Feist – Sea Lion Woman Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Grey’s Anatomy 3” TV (2007) ]  Sea Lion… Sea Lion… Sea Lion Woman, She’d lie
She drink coffee, She’d lie
She drink tea, She’d lie
And [the] rooster crow, “She’d Lie” (sea lion) Sea Lion Woman dressed in red,
Smiled at the man when you’d wake up in his bed
Sea Lion Woman dressed in black,
Wink at the man and then stab him on his back Sea lion… Sea Lion Woman, She’d love
She drink coffee, She’d love
She drink tea, She’d love
And the rooster crow “She’d love” Sea Lion Woman dressed in white,
Married a man, who would spend all his sweet life
Sea Lion Woman dressed in green,
Silver linings in golden seas,
Sea Lion Woman dressed in blue,
called the man and hope he knows what he can do sea lion…
Sea Lion…
SEA LION… Sea Lion Woman, Sea Lion
She drink coffee, Sea Lion
She drink tea, Sea Lion
And the rooster crow “Sea Lion” Sea Lion… SEA LION! [Feist – Sea Lion Woman Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Grey's Anatomy 3 TV (2007)
Name "Grey's Anatomy 3" TV (2007)

Picture/Poster Cover

Feist - Sea Lion Woman Soundtrack Lyrics

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