
Corrine Bailey Rae - Closer Soundtrack Lyrics

Corrine Bailey Rae – Closer Soundtrack Lyrics  [ from “Hawaii Five-O” TV (2011) ]  [Verse 1:] I don’t want to give you up
But I don’t want to hold you up
I don’t want ambiguous
I just know that I’ve had enough I want you to travel with me
Lay loose and let your mind go free
Show you things that you’ve never seen
But you just got to go with me [Bridge:] Oh, your love is so god that I want to show you
Don’t make me responsible for something that you can’t find
Oh, your love it is so good
So good that [Chorus:] Closer
I want to [2x] Intimate
I want to [2x] Near at hand
I want to [2x] I want to get close you
I want to [2x] Generous
Lay down what’s impeding you cause I want to get close to you [Verse 2:] I don’t wan to give you up
But I’m tired of the pull and push
I’m tired of the making up
Don’t you feel that you’ve had enough? I want you to journey with me
Explore all the hidden scenes
I don’t mind just a bit of tension
But we’ve got to move in the same direction [Bridge:] Oh, your love is so god that I want to show you
Don’t make me responsible for something that you can’t find
Oh, your love it is so good
So good that [Repeat Chorus] [Bridge:] Oh, your love is so god that I want to show you
Don’t make me responsible for something that you can’t find
Oh, your love it is so good
So good that [Repeat Chorus] [Corrine Bailey Rae – Closer Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Hawaii Five-O TV (2011)
Name "Hawaii Five-O" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Corrine Bailey Rae - Closer Soundtrack Lyrics

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