
Uh Huh Her - Say So Soundtrack Lyrics

Uh Huh Her – Say So Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Hotel for Dogs” Movie (2009) ]  You say that you’re broken
I just want to fix you
Tell me what to do,
baby I will listen Days that go unwritten
All the things you’re missing
Tell me what to do and
maybe I can fix it Say so, you want to
Say so, you want to
Hollow, you want to
Happy as one Still I believe you
I just wanna save you
Tell me what to do,
maybe I will listen Run, run if you want to
And you’ll find what you’re after
Tell me what to do,
I’ll find all the answers Say so, you want to
Say so, you want to
Hollow, you want to
Happy as one Don’t know how long
I’ve wasted my time, yeah
I only want to lie with you here
I never thought that you’d be so blind, yeah
Stay if you want and we’ll disappear
We’ll disappear Hollar if you want to, come on just
Say what you want to,
you’re always disappearing
Hollar if you want to, come on just
Say what you want to,
you’re always disappearing Hollowed out
You’re hollowed out
Hollar if you want to
Yeah yeah yeah yeah Say so, you want to
Say so, you want to
Hollow, you want to
Happy as one
Say so, you want to
Say so, you want to
Hollow, you want to
Happy as one [Uh Huh Her – Say So Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Hotel for Dogs Movie (2009)
Name "Hotel for Dogs" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Uh Huh Her - Say So Soundtrack Lyrics

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