
Bonedaddys - Waterslide Soundtrack Lyrics

Bonedaddys – Waterslide Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “I Love You, Man” Movie (2009) ]  Can we share some vindallo,
sleeping bags and shampoo,
until all the planets collide. You can play the wild card,
bury your bones in my yard,
meet me at the waterslide. Water-slide…water-slide.
Water-slide…water-slide. You can wear my underwear,
vindallo for us to share,
always presents under your tree. Keep your secrets in my head,
eat your crackers in my bed,
riding in the tutu – to the scene. Water-slide…water-slide.
Water-slide…water-slide. Riding bareback,
Riding down.
Spinning backwards,
riding down. Slide…water-slide. (Trumpet hook repeats 4 times) (Very faintly and barely audible sounds like someone says the following words) “…your getting cumbia now…” Agua que va caer. Cuidao no te caiga compadre Manuel. Agua que va caer. Vamanos pal monte si quiere correr. Agua que va caer. Saca el paragua y tapate bien. Can we share some vindallo,
sleeping bags and shampoo,
until all the planets collide. You can play the wild card,
bury your bones in my yard,
meet me at the waterslide. Water-slide…water-slide.
Water-slide…water-slide. Weat…weat…weeeeuuuuu…(whistling) Water-slide…water-slide. Ha que, lo que pasa ahora. Agua que va caer. Saaa… Saca la hente. Saaa… Agua que va a caer. Que vegan ahora cuidao mi compai. Agua que va caer. Saaa…aaaa…aaaa…aaa. No digas que si, pero sabes que hacer. Agua que va caer. Agua, agua, agua que va caer. Riding bareback,
Riding down.
Spinning backwards,
riding down. Slide…water-slide. Ha, ha, ha, ha… Agua que va caer. Cuidao no te caiga compadre Manuel. Agua que va caer. Vamano pal monte si quiere correr. Saca al paragua y tapate bien. [Bonedaddys – Waterslide Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category I Love You, Man Movie (2009)
Name "I Love You, Man" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Bonedaddys - Waterslide Soundtrack Lyrics

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