
Jess Mills - Vultures Soundtrack Lyrics

Jess Mills – Vultures Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ringer: Season 1” TV (2011) ]  They’re circling ’round but I need more time
My freedom is priceless and so is my peace of mind
I shouldn’t have to pay for mine
If they were bees ’round my baby I would kill them
But they hover in packs and what a sorry excuse for men
There should be no excusing them [Chorus] Cause they are dragging my faith out of me
It was not for the taking
Look the vultures are perching
And they are dragging my faith out of me
Everything I believed in
Look out in the waters they’re lurking Quietly violent like a bad dream
They pursue day and night
They never rest like a hunting beast
A shadow in the corner of my eye and at the heels of my feet
Do they see any good in all this somehow?
I could charge them for murder cause they’re killing my spirit now
It shouldn’t be allowed [Chorus x2] Cause they are dragging my faith out of me
It was not for the taking
Look the vultures are perching
And they are dragging my faith out of me
Everything I believed in
Look out in the waters they’re lurking [Jess Mills – Vultures Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ringer: Season 1 TV (2011)
Name "Ringer: Season 1" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jess Mills - Vultures Soundtrack Lyrics

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