
Jetta - Start a Riot Soundtrack Lyrics

Jetta – Start a Riot Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones” Movie (2013) ] Freeze in the fire
Feeding the lions roar
Breathe in the silence
And we bring it alive
Oooh Stealing the dark
Erasing the shadows
We’re leading the stars
Seeing with our eyes closed My heart aches
My heart aches
My heart aches
When I think of you And my heartache
My heartache
My heartache
Then I think of you 2x
(And we could)
Run away with it
Runaway with me
Runaway start a riot Making a vow
You’re tasting the tonic cold
Bitter without
Breaking a promise ohh My heart aches
My heart aches
My heart aches
When I think of you And my heartache
My heartache
My heartache
Then I think of you 2x
(And we could)
Run away with it
Runaway with me
Runaway start a riot But it’s alright
Let it burn off
Yeah it’s alright
Let it all go My heart aches
My heart aches
My heart aches
When I think of you And my heartache
My heartache
My heartache
Then I think of you 2x
(And we could)
Run away with it
Runaway with me
Runaway start a riot Runaway with me x2
Runaway start a riot Runaway with me x2
Runaway start a riot [Jetta – Start a Riot Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Movie (2013)
Name "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Jetta - Start a Riot Soundtrack Lyrics

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