
John & Jehn - Ghosts Soundtrack Lyrics

John & Jehn – Ghosts Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Ringer: Season 1” TV (2011) ]  The ghosts took my mother
When I was having fun
They choose our house
As a shelter
She had nowhere to run
And my mother was scared of them (x2)
And I was scared coz my mother said
Can you hear the Ghosts make the walls tremble…
Oh the ghosts took my mother
When I was sick in bed
They may have pushed her down the stairs
Oh where there’s nothing to be afraid of
And my mother was scared of them (x2)
And I was scared coz my mother said
Can you hear the Ghosts make the walls tremble…
Can you hear the Ghosts…
Can you hear the Ghosts make the walls tremble… [John & Jehn – Ghosts Soundtrack Lyrics

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Soundtrack Information

Category Ringer: Season 1 TV (2011)
Name "Ringer: Season 1" TV (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

John & Jehn - Ghosts Soundtrack Lyrics

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