
Queen Latifah - Champion Soundtrack Lyrics

Queen Latifah – Champion Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Just Wright” Movie (2010) ]  I don’t even care no more
That’s my word, that’s for sure
I don’t even cry no more
That’s absurd, I’m so cured I’m so secure with who I is,
oops who I am
And I’m a champion for sure boy
I’m a champ
oh yes I am But what I thought about
When those people put me down
They can laugh for now
But watch it when I turn this thing around
I know, I believe
Aint nobody gonna do it but me
I’m fly, no lie
I’m the truth baby ask me why I’m a champion (repeat) What you say don’t stick
I’m the best and I know it
I know you tried to bring me down
Look at me now, watch my smile I’m so secure with who I am
And I’m a champion for sure
I’m a champ oh yes I am But what I thought about
When those people put me down
They can laugh for now
But watch it when I turn this thing around
I know, I believe
Aint nobody gonna do it but me
I’m fly, no lie
I’m the truth baby ask me why I’m a champion (repeat) Keep your head up
They hatin’ cause you majored in minor
Gonna celebrate like you won the finals
Hold your trophy up in your parade in your honor
And pour some champagne and put your glass to the sky
‘Cause you a champion
You’re a champion I’m a champion (repeat) [Queen Latifah – Champion Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Just Wright Movie (2010)
Name "Just Wright" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Queen Latifah - Champion Soundtrack Lyrics

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