
M83 - Oblivion Soundtrack Lyrics

M83 – Oblivion Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Oblivion” Movie (2013) ] Since I was young, I knew I’d find you
But our love was a song sung by a dying swan
And in the night you hear me calling,
You hear me calling
And in your dreams you see me falling, falling Breathe in the light
I’ll stay here in the shadow
Waiting for a sign, as the time grows
Higher, and higher, and higher
And when the nights alarm
All those stars recall your goodbye, your goodbye And in the night you hear me calling,
You hear me calling
And in your dreams you see us falling, falling
And in the night you hear me calling,
You hear me calling
And in your dreams you see us falling, falling Breathe in the light and say goodbye
Breath in the light and say goodbye [M83 – Oblivion Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Oblivion Movie (2013)
Name "Oblivion" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

M83 - Oblivion Soundtrack Lyrics

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