
Huey, Felicia and Company - Steal Your Rock 'N' Roll Soundtrack Lyrics

Huey, Felicia and Company – Steal Your Rock ‘N’ Roll Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Memphis: A New Musical” Musical (2010) ]  HUEY:
I listened to advice from folks smarter than me,
And I ignored it.
I listened to hatred from folks richer than me,
And I deplored it.
I listened to music from folks darker than me,
And you know I adored it! FELICIA/COMPANY:
First come’s a point in everybody’s life
When they gotta stand up and face a fight.
There comes a point in everybody’s life,
When they gotta wonder if they done right.
I swallowed my fear, followed my heart right here,
And through it all one almighty thought stood clear-
Listen to the beat, listen to the beat
Play it, obey it, love it with, love it with your feet. HUEY:
Oooh oh oh
Listen to your soul, listen to your soul,
Heed it, FELICIA:
Heed it HUEY:
Ya need it FELICIA:
Ya need it, HUEY:
Let it make/ let it make you whole.
And if ya listen to the beat
And hear what’s in your soul-
You’ll never let anyone steal your rock ‘n roll! HUEY/FELICIA/COMPANY:
Listen to the beat, listen to beat
Play it, play it
Obey it, obey it
Love it with/love it with your feet!
Listen to your soul/listen to your soul
Heed it, heed it
Ya need it, ya need it
Let it make you whole!
And if ya listen to the beat and hear what’s in your soul-
You’ll never let anyone steal your rock ‘n roll!
Listen to the beat and hear what’s in your soul-
You’ll never let anyone steal your rock ‘n roll.
Listen to the beat, listen to the beat
Play it, obey it
Love it with your feet!
Listen to your soul
Heed it, heed it
Ya need it, ya need it
Let it make/let it make you whole!
And if you listen to the beat
And hear what’s in your soul-
You’ll never let anyone/ never let anyone/
Never let anyone steal your rock ‘n roll! [Huey, Felicia and Company – Steal Your Rock ‘N’ Roll Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Memphis: A New Musical Musical (2010)
Name "Memphis: A New Musical" Musical (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Huey, Felicia and Company - Steal Your Rock 'N' Roll Soundtrack Lyrics

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