
Miranda Cosgrove - Million Dollars Soundtrack Lyrics

Miranda Cosgrove – Million Dollars Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “iCarly iSoundtrack II” TV (2012) ]  Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars I don’t think I believe in love
And I don’t need the place where I grew up
Slipping by, finally got mixed up
Cause being me, it just ain’t good enough I’m gonna fight against the system
And question my decisions
After everything I’ve given, with no return Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars
Cause I’m down on the floor
Even though that I’ve been here before
Singing you were my million dollars Sometimes I just don’t understand
If faith is real, then why don’t we lose our friends
It’s how I feel, no I just can’t pretend
And now I’ll do anything for the win I think I’m gonna break tradition
Go out and burn some bridges
After everything I’ve given with no return Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars
Cause I’m down on the floor
Even though that I’ve been here before
Singing you were my million dollars Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars
Cause I’m down on the floor
Even though that I’ve been here before
Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars
Singing you were my million dollars I don’t think I believe in love
Cause being me, just ain’t good enough [Miranda Cosgrove – Million Dollars Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category iCarly iSoundtrack II TV (2012)
Name "iCarly iSoundtrack II" TV (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Miranda Cosgrove - Million Dollars Soundtrack Lyrics

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