
Deadbyday - Legions of the Damned Soundtrack Lyrics

Deadbyday – Legions of the Damned Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Night of the Demons” Movie (2011) ]  Why hast thou forsaken me? Sitting on the edge of night
Waiting for the break of day
Sitting on the edge of night
Waiting for the morning’s light
A new day has begun
Forsaken is the son
Our father, father
Our father, father Bring about the time when we shall arise
Legions of the damned Rise again to stalk the dark
Passion in the blood of kings
Rise again to stalk the dark
Playing now the prince’s part
He forgot to forgive
Now in death I must live
Our father, father
Our father, father Bring about the time when we shall arise
Legions of the damned Father of night, why hast thou forgotten me?
Of this world, torn between light and darkness
To live on forever
In eternal damnation Bring about the time when we shall arise
Legions of the damned [Deadbyday – Legions of the Damned Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Night of the Demons Movie (2011)
Name "Night of the Demons" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Deadbyday - Legions of the Damned Soundtrack Lyrics

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