
Black Grape - Reverend Black Grape Soundtrack Lyrics

Black Grape – Reverend Black Grape Soundtrack Lyrics  Hey,
you know what I mean? Sellin’ him your religion
Say I walking down a hit song
A booming business
Buying, selling belief
Standing in the pews
Talking ballshit, ballshit, ballshit,
ballshit, ballshit
I want to know, I want to know,
Can you feel the sprit of the lord? [Ryder] There’s nothing more sinister
as ministers in dresses
Gather round some nice black people
While I deliver this message
Kill the message you do nothing but socialise
and become a menace
put on your reboks man
and go play funky tennis can I get a witness
I said can, I get a witness Oh come oh ye faithful
Oh joyful and triumphant
Gather around,
While I blow my own trumpet Oh Pope he got the Nazis
To clean up their messes
He exchanged the gold and paintings
He gave them new addresses
Clean up your messes Hi, hi furer
Hi, hi furer Oh my fathers, fathers, fathers, father
By nature he was bendy
We are the chi chine tribe
and we are over friendly can I get a witness
I said
Come on
can, I get a witness Oh come oh ye faithful
Oh joyful and triumphant
Gather around me,
while I blow my own trumpet Can I get a witness? [spoken] Poppycock.
for what we are about to receive
would he agree a stately minuet would be preferable to a rain dance Hey there bothers and sisters
Hang in there
Yeah Oh come oh ye faithful
Oh joyful and triumphant
Gather around,
While I blow my own trumpet Oh come oh ye faithful
You’re so joyful and triumphant
Gather around,
While I blow my own trumpet I want to know
I want to know
I want to know
I want to know
can you feel
I said
can you feel
can you feel
the sprit of the lord Oh come oh ye faithful,
Oh joyful and triumphant,
Gather around,
While I blow my own trumpet can you feel the sprit of the lord?
can you feel the sprit of the lord? [Black Grape – Reverend Black Grape Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category One Day Movie (2011)
Name "One Day" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Black Grape - Reverend Black Grape Soundtrack Lyrics

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