
The Bystanders - 98.6 Soundtrack Lyrics

The Bystanders – 98.6 Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Pirate Radio” Movie (2009) ]  “Good mornin’ sun,” I say,
“It’s good to see you shinin’.
I know my baby brought you to me.
She kissed me yesterday,
Now, I know the silver linin’,
Got spring and summer,
Runnin’ through me.” Hey, ninety-eight, point six,
It’s good to have you back again,
Oh, hey, ninety-eight, point six,
Her lovin’ is the medicine that saved me,
Oh, I love my baby. [Short instrumental break.] Hey, everybody on the street,
I see you smilin’,
Must be because I found my baby.
You know she’s got me
On another kind of highway,
I want to go to
Where it takes me! Hey, ninety-eight, point six,
It’s good to have you back again,
Oh, hey, ninety-eight, point six,
Her lovin’ is the medicine that saved me,
Oh, I love my baby. [Short instrumental break.] You know she’s got me
On another kind of highway.
I want to go to
Where it takes me. Hey, ninety-eight, point six,
It’s good to have you back again,
Oh, hey, ninety-eight, point six,
Her lovin’ is the medicine that saved me,
Oh, I love my baby. [Instrumental to end.] [The Bystanders – 98.6 Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Pirate Radio Movie (2009)
Name "Pirate Radio" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Bystanders - 98.6 Soundtrack Lyrics

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