
Robert Palmer - Sneaking Sally Through the Alley Soundtrack Lyrics

Robert Palmer – Sneaking Sally Through the Alley Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Way, Way Back” Movie (2013) ] Sneakin’ sally through the alley
Sneakin’ sally through the alley
Sneakin’ sally through the alley
Trying to keep her out of sight
Sneakin’ sally through the alley
When up pops the wife I said, ah I can’t find nothing wrong with being friends cos sometimes
She lets me use the car
She said if you can’t find nothing wrong with your mind
You’d better find something wrong with her, her
So I began to explain ah that it wasn’t just ah what she thought
I’d better find something to do with my time
The fact is I’ve just been caught Sneakin’ sally through the alley
Sneakin’ sally through the alley
Trying to get away clean
Sneakin’ sally through the alley
When up pops the queen Trying to double talk, get myself in trouble talk, catching myself in lies
Catching myself in lies
Mama just looked at me as if I was, ah, crazy
And didn’t even bat an eye
So I began to try to explain, ah that it just wasn’t what she thought
I’d better find something to do with my time
The fact is ah just been caught, just been caught,
Sneakin, sneakin, sneakin, Trying to talk doubletalk, get myself in trouble talk
Catching myself in lies, catching myself in lies
Mama just looked at me as if I was crazy
She didn’t even bat an eye Sneakin’ sally through the alley with sally
Sneakin’ sally through the alley with sally
Sneakin sally through the alley
Sneakin sally through the alley
Sneakin sally through the alley [Robert Palmer – Sneaking Sally Through the Alley Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Way, Way Back Movie (2013)
Name "The Way, Way Back" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Robert Palmer - Sneaking Sally Through the Alley Soundtrack Lyrics

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