
Rodriguez - Sandrevan Lullaby - Lifestyles Soundtrack Lyrics

Rodriguez – Sandrevan Lullaby – Lifestyles Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Searching for Sugar Man” Documentary (2012) ] The generals hate holidays
Others shoot up to chase the sun blues away
Another store front church is open
Sea of neon lights, a boxer his shadow fights
Soldier tired and sailor broken
Winter’s asleep at my window
Cold wind waits at my door
She asks me up to her place
But I won’t be down anymore Judges with metermaid hearts
Order super market justice starts
Frozen children inner city
Walkers in the paper rain
Waiting for those knights that never came
The hi-jacked trying so hard to be pretty Night rains tap at my window
Winds of my thoughts passing by
She laughed when I tried to tell her
Hello only ends in goodbye America gains another pound
Only time will bring some people around
Idols and flags are slowly melting
Another shower of rice
To pair it for some will suffice
The mouthful asks for second helpings Moonshine pours through my window
The night puts it’s laughter away
Clouds that pierce the illusion
That tomorrow would be as yesterday… [Rodriguez – Sandrevan Lullaby – Lifestyles Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Searching for Sugar Man Documentary (2012)
Name "Searching for Sugar Man" Documentary (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Rodriguez - Sandrevan Lullaby - Lifestyles Soundtrack Lyrics

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