
Chimaira - Warpath Soundtrack Lyrics

Chimaira – Warpath Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Saw VI” Movie (2009) ]  What the fuck am i doing here?
4,000 miles away
The night never comes
It’s too bright to escape into darkness It’s bad enough that insomnia’s crippled me
Now i have to deal with you?
Am i cursed?
Every time i leave home i am affected
But this time it’s going to be different
I must know I’m going to go insane
The feeling of claustrophobia setting in So now I’m on the warpath
Drawing from every lie that you said
This could turn into a bloodbath
It’s time you feel my wrath
So now I’m on the warpath
Feeding off every word that you said
This could turn into a bloodbath
It’s time you feel my wrath Too scared to say what i feel
Too scared to walk away
I’ve seen this face before
Am i addicted to the damage you cause? Chest so heavy i can barely breathe
I’m choking and for what
Mind is racing at 1,000 miles per hour
I just know i can’t trust anyone
Is this paranoia or reality?
Throat closing tighter
Fuck this So now I’m on the warpath
Drawing from every lie that you said
This could turn into a bloodbath
It’s time you feel my wrath
So now I’m on the warpath
Feeding off every word that you said
This could turn into a bloodbath
It’s time you feel my wrath [Chimaira – Warpath Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Saw VI Movie (2009)
Name "Saw VI" Movie (2009)

Picture/Poster Cover

Chimaira - Warpath Soundtrack Lyrics

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