
Frank Black - I Hear Ramona Sing Soundtrack Lyrics

Frank Black – I Hear Ramona Sing Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” Movie (2010) ]  I had so many problems
And then I got me a Walkman
I really liked it a lot and
They walked right in and they solved them
They walked right in and they solved them I heard Ramona sing
And I heard everything
The speed they’re traveling
They are the only thing
Ramona There were moments in the night
It was all right
There were moments in the night I heard Ramona sing
And I heard everything
The speed they’re traveling
They are the only thing
Ramona I don’t care if they’re real or they’re pseudo
I don’t care if they get any higher
I hope if someone retires
They pull another menudo
They pull another menudo
They pull another menudo
They pull another menudo There were moments in the night
It was all right
There were moments in the night I heard Ramona sing
And I heard everything
The speed they’re traveling
They are the only thing
Ramona [Frank Black – I Hear Ramona Sing Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Movie (2010)
Name "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" Movie (2010)

Picture/Poster Cover

Frank Black - I Hear Ramona Sing Soundtrack Lyrics

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