
Rahman - Dreams on Fire Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Suzzanne)

Rahman – Dreams on Fire Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Suzzanne) [ from “Slumdog Millionaire” Movie (2008) ]  You are my waking dream
You’re all that’s real to me
You are the magic in the world I see You are the prayer I sing
You brought me to my knees
You are the faith that made me believe Dreams on Fire
Higher and Higher
Passions burning bright on the pyre
One spark forever yours
Give me all your heart
Dreams on Fire
Higher and Higher You are my ocean waves
You are my thought each day
You are the laughter from childhood games You are the spark of dawn
You are where I belong
You are the ache I feel in every song Dreams on Fire
Higher and Higher
Passions burning bright on the pyre
One spark forever yours
Give me all your heart
Dreams on Fire
Higher and Higher [Rahman – Dreams on Fire Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Suzzanne)]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Slumdog Millionaire Movie (2008)
Name "Slumdog Millionaire" Movie (2008)

Picture/Poster Cover

Rahman - Dreams on Fire Soundtrack Lyrics (feat. Suzzanne)

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