
Spectacular! Cast - Something To Believe In Soundtrack Lyrics

Spectacular! Cast – Something To Believe In Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Spectacular!” TV (2009) ]  NIKKO
I used to see the world as cold, so cold. COURTNEY
I always felt so all alone, Ooh. NIKKO
How did you know you’d find me here? yeah COURTNEY
How did you ever see behind my tears? yeah BOTH
I never realized, COURTNEY
How anyone could, BOTH
Make everything so right COURTNEY
I was so sad, you brought me back NIKKO
You give me something to believe in, after all that we’ve been through, the love you give, it all comes back to you.
You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me, and here, with you, is where im meant to be!! NIKKO
I dont have to imagine anymore, no. COURTNEY
All the time it was you BOTH
I was waiting for! And here we are together, side by side, and nothing seems impossible tonight!
You look inside my heart, and seem to get me from the start, we’ve got the chance, to make this last.
You give me something to believe in, after all that we’ve been through, the love you give, it all comes back to you!
You give me something to believe in, You can see the real me, and here, with you, is where I’m meant to be, COURTNEY
Lift us up, so high up, higher than high, now we realize ALL
All, its takes, is love, to find us, guide us all, the way, that;s the one thing you can trust
All, we need, is love, to reach out, show out, BOTH
We belong here together ALL
You give me something to believe in, After all that we’ve been through, The love you give, it all comes back to you. NIKKO
Comes back to you! BOTH
You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me, and here, with you, is where I’m meant to be! [Spectacular! Cast – Something To Believe In Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Spectacular! TV (2009)
Name "Spectacular!" TV (2009)

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Spectacular! Cast - Something To Believe In Soundtrack Lyrics

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