
Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch Soundtrack Lyrics

Silversun Pickups – Panic Switch Soundtrack Lyrics  Time
It’s never worth my time
Blue shine
Bleeds into my eyes I still
Sleep on the right side
Of the white noise
Can’t leave the scene behind Could I be anything you want me to be
Its always meant to be seen [Chorus] When you see yourself in a crowded room
Do your fingers itch, are you pistol-whipped?
Will you step in line or release the glitch?
Can you fall asleep with a panic switch? And when you see yourself in a crowded room
Do your fingers itch, are you pistol-whipped?
Will you step in line or release the glitch?
Do you think she’ll sleep with the panic… Mm, I’ll try
To hold on tight tonight
Pink slip
Inviting me inside
Wanna burn skin
And brand what once was mine
But the red views
Keep ripping the divide If I go everywhere you want me to go
How will I know you’ll still follow? [Chorus] I’m waiting and fading and floating away
I’m waiting and fading and floating away
I’m waiting and fading and floating away
Waiting and fading and floating I’m waiting and fading and floating away
Waiting and fading and floating away
Waiting and fading and floating away
Waiting and fading, waiting and fading [Chorus] [Silversun Pickups – Panic Switch Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Sucker Punch Movie (2011)
Name "Sucker Punch" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch Soundtrack Lyrics

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