
Zach Mills, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee, Gabriel Basso and Joel Courtney - My Sharona Soundtrack Lyrics

Zach Mills, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee, Gabriel Basso and Joel Courtney – My Sharona Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Super 8” Movie (2011) ]  (Orig. by The Knack) Hoo, my little pretty one, my pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Sharona?
Hoo, you make my motor run, my motor run
Gun it comin’ off o’ the line, Sharona Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, woo! M-m-m-my Sharona Come a little closer, huh, a-will ya, huh?
Close enough to look in my eyes, my Sharona
Keepin’ it a mystery, it gets to me
Runnin’ down the length of my thigh, my Sharona Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, woo! M-m-m-my Sharona
M-m-m-my Sharona (Yeah!) When you gonna give to me, g-gift to me
Is it just a matter of time, Sharona?
Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game in my mind, Sharona? Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, woo!
M-m-m-m-m-m-m-my, my, my, aye-aye, woo! M-m-m-my Sharona
M-m-m-my Sharona
M-m-m-my Sharona
M-m-m-my Sharona Hoooooo-ohhh, my Sharona
Hoooooo-ohhh, my Sharona
Hoooooo-ohhh, my Sharona [Zach Mills, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee, Gabriel Basso and Joel Courtney – My Sharona Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Super 8 Movie (2011)
Name "Super 8" Movie (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

Zach Mills, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee, Gabriel Basso and Joel Courtney - My Sharona Soundtrack Lyrics

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