
The Book of Mormon Cast - You And Me (But Mostly Me) Soundtrack Lyrics

The Book of Mormon Cast – You And Me (But Mostly Me) Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The Book of Mormon” Musical (2011) ]  ELDER PRICE:
Ive always had the hope
That on the day I go to heaven,
Heavenly Father will shake my hand and say:
“Youve done an AWESOME job, Kevin!”
Now its our time to go out… ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
My best friend… ELDER PRICE:
And set that worlds people free!
And we can do it together,
You and me-
But mostly me!
You and me-but mostly me
Are gonna change the world forever.
Cause I can do most anything! ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
And I can stand next to you and WATCH! ELDER PRICE:
Every hero needs a sidekick!
Every captain needs a mate! ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
Every dinner needs a side dish- ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
On a slightly smaller plate! BOTH:
And now were seeing eye to eye,
Its so great we can agree!
That Heavenly Father has chosen
You and me- ELDER PRICE:
Just mostly me!
Something incredible…
Ill do something incredible!
I want to be the Mormon..
That changed all of mankind… ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
My best friend… ELDER PRICE:
Im something Ive forseen…
Now that Im ninteen,
Ill do something incredible,
That blows Gods freaking mind! BOTH:
And as long as we stick together! ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
-And I stay out of your way! ELDER PRICE:
Out of my way! ELDER CUNNINGHAM:
We can change the world- BOTH:
And make tomorrow a latter day! ELDER PRICE:
So quit singing about it- BOTH:
-And do it!
How ready and psyched are we?!
Life is about to change for you,
And life is about to change for me,
And life is about to change for you and me, ELDER PRICE:
But me, mostly!
And theres no limit to
What we can do.
Me… and you.
But mostly-
ME! [The Book of Mormon Cast – You And Me (But Mostly Me) Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The Book of Mormon Musical (2011)
Name "The Book of Mormon" Musical (2011)

Picture/Poster Cover

The Book of Mormon Cast - You And Me (But Mostly Me) Soundtrack Lyrics

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