
Perry Farrell - Hot Lava Soundtrack Lyrics

Perry Farrell – Hot Lava Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The South Park Album: Television Compilation” TV (1998) ]  Ooh, baby, every time we kiss, hot lava
Every time that we make love, thats’s lava, hot lava
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm and red and wet, Mountain is rumbling, must find a safer place
Soon the wrath of Pele, will fall upon your face
Great nectar of the gods, spews rock from ?????
makes the lava we know Ooh, baby, every time we kiss, hot lava
Every time that we make love, there’s lava, hot lava
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm and red and wet Burning through the forest, red, red hot lava flows
roles down the island body, and into the ocean below
When it meets the cool cool water, ???–>it’s main flow of living is:<–???
Magma flowing into a sepicrious envronment produces pillar lava
Argisotic pressure of sea water tends to inhabit the vestal size of the basalt,
Ooh, baby, every time we kiss, hot lava
Every time that we make love, there’s lava, hot lava
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm and red and wet And after the eruption, we lay dormant for a while
Let’s just hold each other and talk,
For now, Pele sleeps Ooh, baby, every time we kiss, hot lava
Every time that we make love baby, hot lava
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm and red and wet Ooh, baby, every time we kiss, hot lava
Every time that we make love there’s lava, hot lava
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm it makes me sweat [Perry Farrell – Hot Lava Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The South Park Album: Television Compilation TV (1998)
Name "The South Park Album: Television Compilation" TV (1998)

Picture/Poster Cover

Perry Farrell - Hot Lava Soundtrack Lyrics

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