
Elton John - Wake Up Wendy Soundtrack Lyrics

Elton John – Wake Up Wendy Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “The South Park Album: Television Compilation” TV (1998) ]  Got this bug-eyed girl
Cold hand on my knee
Frozen teeth chitter, chatter
She’s dressed up like a cemetary
Like a cemetary Snowbound all winter
Blue lips on my cheek
Little tongues prattlin’, rattlin’
Talkin’ about them hometown geeks
Them hometown geeks Wake up Wendy, smell the coffee
Help me into your custom kitchen
Gimme a cup of that old black magic
I wanna get me some of that old home cookin’
Can you feel it, it’s chilly and freezin’
Wake up Wendy, moods a changin’
I got a reason, and you got a feelin’
Wake up Wendy, love’s in season Feels like a steam clean
When she washes me
Clouds bustin’, pumps a hissin’
Just peel me off the ceiling
Off the ceiling Chill out bug-eyed-girl
Zap me into cinders
Pop the thermal mumbo jumbo
Melt me with your little fingers
With little fingers Wake up Wendy, smell the coffee
Help me into your custom kitchen
Gimme a cup of that old black magic
I wanna get me some of that old home cookin’
Can you feel it, it’s chilly and freezin’
Wake up Wendy, moods a changin’
I got a reason, and you got a feelin’
Wake up Wendy, love’s in season
Wake up Wendy, love’s in season
Wake up Wendy, love’s in season [Elton John – Wake Up Wendy Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category The South Park Album: Television Compilation TV (1998)
Name "The South Park Album: Television Compilation" TV (1998)

Picture/Poster Cover

Elton John - Wake Up Wendy Soundtrack Lyrics

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