
Thin Lizzy - Dancing in the Moonlight Soundtrack Lyrics

Thin Lizzy – Dancing in the Moonlight Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Jappeloup” Movie (2013) ] When I passed you in the doorway
Well you took me with a glance
I should have took that last bus home
But I asked you for a dance Now we go steady to the pictures
I always get chocolate stains on my pants
And my father he’s going crazy
He says I’m living in a trance But I’m dancing in the moonlight
It’s caught me in its spotlight
It’s alright, alright
Dancing in the moonlight
On this long hot summer night It’s three o’clock in the morning
And I’m on the streets again
I disobeyed another warning
I should have been in by ten Now I won’t get out until Sunday
I’ll have to say I stayed with friends
But it’s a habit worth forming
If it means to justify the end Dancing in the moonlight
It’s caught me in its spotlight
It’s alright, alright
Dancing in the moonlight
On this long hot summer night And I’m walking home
The last bus has long gone
But I’m dancing in the moonlight [Instrumental] Dancing in the moonlight
It’s caught me in its spotlight
It’s alright, alright
Dancing in the moonlight
On this long hot summer night Dancing in the moonlight (I’m dancing in the moonlight)
It’s caught me in its spotlight (It’s caught me in in it’s spotlight)
Dancing in the moonlight (dancing in the moonlight)
On this long hot summer night (It’s got me hot) Dancing in the moonlight (I’m dancing in the moonlight)
It’s caught me in its spotlight (It’s caught me alright alright alright)
Dancing in the moonlight
On this long hot summer night (It’s so got them hot) Dancing in the moonlight (I’m dancing)
It’s caught me in its spotlight (I’m still dancing)
Dancing in the moonlight (I’m dancing in the moonlight)
On this long hot summer night… [Thin Lizzy – Dancing in the Moonlight Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Jappeloup Movie (2013)
Name "Jappeloup" Movie (2013)

Picture/Poster Cover

Thin Lizzy - Dancing in the Moonlight Soundtrack Lyrics

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