
Timber Timbre - Demon Host Soundtrack Lyrics

Timber Timbre – Demon Host Soundtrack Lyrics [ from “Stories We Tell” Documentary (2012) ] Death, she must have been your will
A bone beneath the reaper’s veil
With your voice my belly sunk
And I began to feel so drunk Candle, candle, on my clock
Oh Lord, I must have heard you knock me out of bed
As the flames licked my head
And my lungs filled up black in their tiny little shack
It was real and I repent
All those messages you sent, clear as day, but in the night
Oh, I couldn’t get it right Here is a church and here is a steeple
Open the doors there are the people
And all their little hearts at ease
For another week’s disease And eagle, eagle, talon, and scream
I never once left in between
I was on the fence and I never wanted your two cents
Down my throat, in to the pit, with my head upon the spit
Oh Reverend, please, can I chew your ear?
I’ve become what I most fear
And I know there’s no such thing as ghosts
But I have seen the demon host [Timber Timbre – Demon Host Soundtrack Lyrics]

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Soundtrack Information

Category Stories We Tell Documentary (2012)
Name "Stories We Tell" Documentary (2012)

Picture/Poster Cover

Timber Timbre - Demon Host Soundtrack Lyrics

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